2016 english


Dear Flatcoated Retriever Friends in the world. We will invite every interested FCI or from an FCI recognized Flatcoated Retriever Society and their owner, to join us at the FCR Trophy weekend of the German Retriever Club (DRC / VDH / FCI) in D – 37318 Lindewerra / Germany.
On saturday their will be our Offical Working Test http://www.drc.de/adr/listen/show_details_1.php?evid=8051 ,
on Sunday there will be an Breed Show after FCI Rules with CACs for the German VDH & Club Champion in Competion.
And in addition there will be given the
„FCR trophy“ for the Best Dual Purpose Dog in both Competition.
The „FCR Rookie Trophy“ for dogs in combination of both days which never have done a Workingtest before and the „FCR Veteran Trophy“ . These Trophies will be given from hand to hand each year.
But there will be prizes that will be given to the placed dogs too ☺
At the moment there are nearly 100 dogs (f/m) on both days, but we`ll be happy to see more.
More information under http://flattreffen.eu/ – at the moment only in German, but „English“ is under construction.


Dear Flatcoated Retriever friends.
Thank you for making our event “International”.
Always it is the biggest problem: Where will we stay.
Everyone likes to live in the middle of the event area. Sorry, I´m not sure we can offer that ☺
But we can give you advise, where you can try to stay.
In the surrounding area there are 2 cities.
Bad Sooden – Allendorf, which offers some hotels, B&Bs and apartments. Best to take a look at the hotel search and booking machine – www.booking.com
and Witzenhausen, which you can try too.
For Camper and Caravan owners, there is a camping place at Wahlhausen
and a special parking lot in the city Bad Sooden-Allendorf:
furthermore the village of D – 37318 Lindewerra offers a parking lot in Lindewerra but without electricity, water and toilettes.
D 37318 Lindewerra is a small village at the river Werra , in the middle of Germany.
You can reach it over the highways A 7 from north and south, or A 39 from East or A 44 from the west.
You leave the highway at BAB Hedemünden or BAB Friedland, than drive in the direction Witzenhausen or Eschwege.
Your destination is
For further questions, send me an email. info@beautyfield.de


Dear Flatcoated Retriever friends
Many thanks for your interest in our event.
It will hold every year in other parts of our country and it is limited to Flatcoated Retriever.
Started as an unofficial meeting from Flatcoated Lovers, it has developed from a private event, over a stadium of unofficial Club activities, to an official Workingtest after FCI Rules and an official Breed Show of the German Retriever Club e.V. (Deutscher Retriever Club e.V.) .
It will be this year the 3rd time that it is a Workingtest on Saturday and an DRC SRA Breedshow on Sunday. It will be given CAC´s for the Club Champion and the VDH (Kennel Club Champion), as for Junior and Veteran Championtitels .
The entry fee will be for members of any FCI recognized the same as for Club members.
Entries can only be done Online.
On saturday their will be our Offical Working Test (all tests are done with shoots) http://www.drc.de/adr/listen/show_details_1.php?evid=8051
For the Offical working test after FCI Rules, there are
Anfänger Klasse = Beginner Class (in same countries it is called Novice too)
A dog has to be successful absolved the first Dummytest which is possible in his home country. In Germany that is the APD/R Anfänger . Dogs shall be steady. Ready to do “Searchs” , Marks (land and water), Heelwork and simple Memories (Halfblinds) .
Fortgeschrittenen Klasse = Advanced Class = in SWE / Nordic countries (openclass)
The dog shall be able to do tasks in a line. Marks around 80 m. Waterwork, search, sending on a blind.
Combinated tasks in a team.
Offene Klasse = Open Class = Elite Class in Nordic countries
All task that can happen during a hunting day shall be solved by the dogs.
All competioners from A / F & O fight for the “FCR Trophy” if they have successful finished the working day.
The following classes are not official
Schnupper Klasse = Novice Class
Explanation: Open for dogs which has never done a Dummy test before, or not absolved successful.
They will compete for the “FCR Rookie Trophy” if they although have done an entry at the show.
Veteranen Klasse = Veteran Class = Dogs over 8 years of age the day before the competition starts.
All Veterans which finished the WT compete for the “FCR Veteran Trophy”

registration workingtest

registration show


The entry fees have to be paid after you have done your entry and got your entry response.
In Germany we have timelines where you can do your entry and by shows , you have the possibility to book your starting place early and pay less.
So both entries are possible now. The lines are open.
For the working test the entries can be done from 15th of February 2016 until 4th of June 2016.
But if the summary of the classes is higher than the area and judgment allows to proof, the entry line can be closed earlier.
The payment of € 45,00 for each dog is to pay short after you receive your entry order.
Entryfees will not transferred back even after a storno because of the administration costs.
For the show entries are available from 15th of February 2016 to 04th of June 2016, too.
But there will be one 1st entry line in may after which you have to pay more for you entry.
Entry fee will be € 35,00 for the first dog, any further dog, puppy or veteran have been paid € 25,00 for.
After the first entry line, the entry fee will increase for € 10,00 each dog. So be early.
The entry fees have to been paid to
Account owner: DRC LG Nord
Commerzbank AG / Lüchow
IBAN DE 81 2584 1403 0546 8020 02
In the description : Name of the dog, owner and where you compete for W, S or W+S